Sunday, April 1, 2018


Do you know how hard it is to create music when you are musically challenged? I mean I can put sounds together and create something pretty decent but, for the life of me, I can't play an instrument. I mentioned on my post from Wednesday that I knew a few people who are extremely talented on the piano and I have a new found respect for them. Again, I can't ask them to create something for us because, well, it's rude. We have two weeks until the project is due which is a lot of time, considering we are almost done, but I'm starting to feel the clock ticking. This past week had been slow regarding the process of the project. I have been out of town throughout the week and this weekend has been filled with religious holidays and other activities. However, we planned for this and that is why Eitan and I worked hard to get as much done as possible before Spring Break. This week coming up should be filled with further progress of our project. By the end of the week, we hope to have the postcard and the website done, and hopefully, a little closer to figuring out the audio situation.

Until the next time, your friend,


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