Sunday, March 25, 2018


I know, I know. You guys have been waiting weeks but the time has come. This has been a much anticipated event and I appreciate all the support. I know some of you are reading this right now and thinking "OMG did they finish?" No we didn't finish but its something better.

The Lærke and Eitan blog company presents, Between The Seams. This is the title for our short film. Eitan came up with the idea, I think it stems from the fact that it is a love story between a shoe and a sock, and because shoes and sock have seams. I think it fits well with the story and its kind of humerous because its similar to between the sheet.

In the short film, we have it displayed in the beginning with a typing effect; however, we asked around and a trusted informant believed that we should place the credit and title scene differently. I haven't been able to yet but when I mess around with the sound, I will see where the credit and title scene works best.

We are now in Spring Break, so to keep up with the schedule, Eitan and I will be working on different things. I will continue working on editing and Eitan will start working on the website. This is the best way to stay on track because I am out of town until March 29th, making it difficult to meet up and work on it together. Hopefully, we can maintain our schedule.

Until the next time, your friend,


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